给SBGE: Invest in the Vision

SBGE Students at the New 专业 Dessert

This is a strategic moment to invest in the lives and future of 皇冠体育的学生 and the School of Business, 政府, 和经济学. With the ever-increasing globalization of commerce, business is poised to play a major role in shaping the character of our world for decades to come.

Responding to this challenge requires an ever increasing pool of resources. We are fortunate that many alumni and friends of the School of Business, 政府, 和经济学 (like you) give their financial support. Through your contribution, you can become a vital part of the School's success by strengthening our vision for excellence, 皇冠体育的程序, 皇冠体育的中心, 皇冠体育的学生, 皇冠体育的教职员工.

We invite you to consider ways you can give back to the School such as these options:

  • 在经济上支持 SPU's School of Business, 政府, 和经济学. Gifts can be directed toward endowments or toward restricted accounts for one or more particular purposes within the School.
  • Fulfill a matching grant. The School often receives matching grants and needs to raise funds to secure full benefit of the matches.
  • Create an endowment in your name to one or both of the School's centers: the Center for Applied Learning (CAL)或 Center for 信仰ful Business (CFB).
  • Offer scholarship support to attract and assist promising qualified students.
  • 送现金礼物. Your gift will have an immediate and positive impact on the people and programs in the School of Business, 政府, 和经济学, and it may be tax deductible. You can send a check to: School of Business, 政府, 和经济学 Dean's 办公室, 西雅图 Pacific University, 第三大道3307号. West, Suite 201, 西雅图 WA 98119-1950.

There are many ways to make a gift. Whatever method you choose, be sure to tell us where you wish your gift to be directed.

If you would like more information about giving, contact the Dean's 办公室 at 206-281-2087.

SPU Houses Largest 信仰 and Work Collection

艾尔·埃里森曼, adjunct professor and former director of SPU’s Center for Integrity in Business (now the Center for 信仰ful Business), helped acquire nearly 2,000本书给SPU. Now called The Work and 信仰 Collection, it is the largest of its kind, and continues to grow. 

Kayla Nowrocki and Peyton Lindsley, “Surfing the Nations”

SPU 信仰 At Work First Prize Video

This award was made possible through 玛格丽特Edgell慷慨的遗产. It’s just another example of the kind of difference your gift can make, as well.